Bokaro is a small city with peoples few,
If you tell about it to people outside, very less will knew.
It was earlier a big jungle with sadhus, who chant,
Then came Indira and built the Steel Plant.
People came here for work from different corner of the
We welcomed everyone with their festivals and celebration.
The city was so well planned with fields and park,
To maintain it properly became a huge task.
There was even a huge stadium for football,
And if you get hurt, there was huge BGH on call.
When people felt upset, cooling pond became a center of
Some wanted to swim but other had other intentions.
City center became the center of attraction,
We often roamed on our cycle, looking for the latest
The eateries around were best of the best,
Rashmalai, Chaat and Samosas were too good to taste.
We always played cricket in the sun without any shades,
Later the school progress card reflected our poor grades.
School time were as precious as pearls,
Where else we could meet so many beautiful girls.
Now that I am not living there I miss it badly,
But thanks for the social media; they update me about it
Things are changing fast ,
And it’s no more the Bokaro we lived in the past.
But as we say, only one thing we can’t drop,
That’s the change which we can’t stop,
And most recently there is a shopping mall if you want to
.......Arvind Roy

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