Thursday, August 8, 2013

Use your old PS/2 devices with your new Karbon smart tab: 4 simple steps

Hi Friends,
 I finally got my new Karbonn smart tab 2 .With the price range, the facility its offering are great. Surely a 5 star from my side. Apart from the video chatting issue and a little hiccups now and then, it running absolutely wonderfully. But there was some problem.

I still was clung to my old habbis of using mouse and keyboard while working at home. I have an  old , not working PC kept there with a spare PS/2 mouse and keyboard(those with round input cables). I thought of integrating them and use the comfort of laptop on tablets and that too at such a small price range.

So I began my research and found that my tablet will support USB devices. But I didn't have one and wanted to use my old PS/2 devices to utilize them to save any extra expense. So I did some more googling and came out with a solution.

 Here is a detail step by step process of doing that :

 1. Buy a PS/2 convertor from the market. Its starting price range is Rs 70. With a little bargaining you can get it at around Rs 60.

 2. You have been provided an OTG CABLE with the Karbonn Smart tab. Now,its time to use it . Connect the new convertor with the tablet using the OTG cable. Now attach the two PS/2 devices with the two port of convertor cable, one for mouse and other for keyboard.

 3. On attaching the devices , you will get a keyboard symbol displayed at the status bar. You will also get a mouse icon once everything is properly set up. 

(*Note : At times , it may happen that the devices don't connect at the very first attempt. Keep removing the OTG CABLE and re plugging it till the mouse and keyboard start working.)

 4 Once , set and done you can use the peripherals just like you do at your laptop.

 With these simple 4 steps and extra expense of Rs 70, you can utilize the old devices with your KARBONN tab and get the comfort of a desktop at home.

 If you have any trouble doing it ,please write it back to me.

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